Thursday, January 7, 2010

Khalid the Droll

I've settled back in here in Suzhou, China and (so far) I am sticking to my New Year's Resolutions (see last post).

I've wanted to post this for a while - during a great trip to New York in 2006 I caught a taping of the Daily Show with Calvin Trillin, an NYC 'deadline poet'... well it turns out, Calvin correctly predicted the Christmas Day 'Underpants Bomber' three years before it happened.

After spending 20 minutes finding, capturing and uploading this, it has just occurred to me that they probably played this clip on the Daily Show again this week (I catch-up on the Daily Show over the weekend over here in China).

We have nothing to fear except Khalid the Droll's sense of humor.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

This has been a good year for me. My six month visit to K.U. Leuven was very fulfiling from both a personal and a work perspective. My new job at XJTLU is working out well and China is starting to feel like home... so I guess its time for some New Year's Resolutions (in no particular order):

1. I will learn to speak Chinese.
2. I will see more of my friends and family.
3. I will balance my work and personal life better.
4. I will adopt a healthier life-style.
5. I will get a Chinese research grant.

I guess that's it! Now its blogged out, I guess I will have to keep my resolutions.