Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Middleware 2010 in Bangalore, India

I recently returned from the Middleware 2010 conference in Bangalore India, where I chaired the MidSens workshop and helped to deliver a tutorial on the Loosely-coupled Component Infrastructure (LooCI). It was also nice to see old colleagues from Lancaster University and K.U. Leuven.

I stayed in the Ramada near Indian Express Circle, right opposite one of the small Hindu temples that are dotted around Bangalore. Every morning I had to make a 5K trip accross town to the conference venue at the Chancery Pavillion.

The Bangalore traffic can be heavy, with cars, rickshaws, bikes and horses(!) so the best way to get around is by motorbike...

..like this family on their way to school, or by Rickshaw. Here you can see Nelson and Klaas from K.U. Leuven posing in a one (photo by Klaas):

The MidSens workshop went very well and it was great to see people getting to grips with the LooCI during the tutorial:

The conference banquet was excellent and featured Indian Dancing as entertainment. You can see a video of this below:

After the close of the conference, we got to see some of Bangalore's famous sites, including the great Hare Krishna temple, Iskcon. The Lalbach botanical gardens and the Bull Temple. There are some photos below:

The Iskcon Temple By Night

Climbing the Stone Hill in the Center of Lolbagh Park

Twisting Paths Through the Forest in Lalbagh Park 

Wild Mokeys Outside of the Bull Temple

The Holy Bull Statue in the Bull Temple

Bangalore was excellent and I look forward to returning soon.

IEEE NESEA 2010 Conference Banquet

Shortly after the first day of the conference closed, the attendees gathered for the group photo in the lobby of the XJTLU Conference Center Hotel:.

The Conference Group Photo
After the group session, we headed to the 5 Star Kempinksi Hotel, which hosted the conference banquet in a beautiful private room in the Wan Hu Ge resteraunt.

The Banquet at the Kempinski

After dinner, there was free flowing drinks at the Paulaner Brewhouse for all attendees. Thankfully our dedicated attendees were up bright and early for Friday's morning sesison.

Free Flowing Beer in the Paulaner Brew House

Suzhou was a great start to the NESEA Conference Series and I can't wait for NESEA 2011 in Perth, Australia. We hope to see you there!