Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sight Seeing and Dinner on Jinjihu Lake

Its a holiday week in China, but I'm still working on my teaching :-) still, today we escaped to do a bit of sightseeing at a nearby 'water village' before having a yummy dinner overlooking Jinjihu Lake. Photos below:

Enterence to the Water Town

Traditional Canals

Accross Jinjihu Lake to the Neon-Soaked City

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some photos of SIP

Here's some photos of the Suzhou-Singapore Industrial Park where I live:

My University as Seen from my Balcony

Times Square: A Neon Bathed Center with Reseraunts and Shops

Looking Along the Canal to the Lake

Coffin-Shaped Neon Sky-Scrapers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Cheap and Awesome Thing I Bought

Working in Front of the TV now rules...

My New Office

I moved into my office today, which I think it pretty nice. Here are a few photos...

Danny's View

Visitor's View

View from my Window