Friday, June 29, 2012

Snowboarding in the Four Valleys

Wow, its been more than six months since I updated this blog. It turns out that tenure-track academia is pretty tough and doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging. Here's some photos from my late winter trip to Nendaz in the Four Valleys in Switzerland.

We arrived during the brief but harsh European cold-snap and had night-time temperatures of -20, but we were staying in a lovely chalet with its own outside hot-tub. The night time dash from the chalet to the hot tub and back was pretty funny. As you'd sit in the steaming water there would be icicles forming in your hair.

Our Chalet

The Four Valleys ski area is massive, and links Verbier, Nendaz, Veysonnas and Thyon. We didn't manage to cover the whole area during our stay, but we did a lot of exploring. My favorite run was all the way over from Mont Fort down to the Verbier base. The scenery was beautiful:

Mountain Views 1

Mountain Views 2

The final day, I decided to tackle 'Plan de Fou', a hard off-piste that I almost had a very nasty fall on. You need some adventure on the last day though!

 The Restaurant at the top of Plan de Fou

The mogul'd face - I tracked way right to find some powder

So perhaps my latest blog post ever. I'm now planning my next ski trip for Mont Tremblant in Canada in December after Middleware 2012.