Friday, September 3, 2010

Visiting Research Position at K.U. Leuven, Summer 2010

We spent this summer in Leuven, Belgium. Caren finished the first draft of her thesis and I was working with the WSN team in the DistriNet research group. We stayed in the Groot Begijnhof, a carefully restored religious community from the 13th century. The Groot Begjinhof is a UNESCO world heritage site and a wonderful place to live.

Inside the Begjinhof

Our Street (ours is the 2nd building on the left)

The View from our Loft Appartment

Caren Working in our Loft Appartment

I was working over in the Heverlee Campus of K.U. Leuven, which is right next to the Historic Arenberg Castle:
The Arenberg Castle

The Old Waterwheel

As we were working hard over the summer, we didn't get to make many trips, but we did make a trip over to Brugge, some photos of which you can see below:

Floating on the Canals of Brugge

The Bell Fort

The Chapel of the Holy Blood

My friend Kiel came to visit us for a weekend and he and I sampled a few Belgian beers at some great bars like Blauwe Kater in Leuven, Cambrinus in Brugge and Delirum Cafe in Brussels. 

The Delirum Cafe, home of 2004 beers.

Kiel Drinking from a Skull in Le Cercueil (the Coffin in French)

Drinking in Cambrinus: Kiel has a Kwak and I have a Poirot

All in all it was a great trip. I hope to return to Leuven soon.

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