Friday, November 6, 2009

No Use for a Name Gig in Fukuoka Japan

I'm writing this blog entry from a brew pub on The Bund in Shanghai, where I am having a few beers while I wait for my train back to Suzhou. I had an AWESOME time in Fukuoka, Japan.

I flew in on Wednesday morning for a two-day break to see some of the 'real' Japan and watch No Use for a Name who were playing there at Drum-Be 21 the next day. I ended up running into the band the night before while I was drinking near the venue.

We hung out, they added me to the list and I had a blast the next night at the gig. No Use For A Name are all super nice guys, as are their crew. Photos follow:

On the Shanghai Mag-Lev heading to the Airport.
Fukuoka, from the Air.

A Crazy Chinese J-Pop Band the night before NUFAN

Drunken me, drunken band.

On the way back, some girls were chasing a Chinese pop star called August accross the airport.

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