Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kuala Lumpur

From December 12th to 16th I visited Kuala Lumpur for the ACM MOMM conferfence. The conference went well, and I presneted the first paper on LooCI, The Loosely-coupled Component Infrastructure, one of the main outputs of my research visit: you can check out the Sun SPOT port on Google Code. a Contiki port for more embedded WSN platforms is also coming soon.

Kuala Lumpur

I had a great time in Kuala Lumpur. Everyone was very friendly, and the resteraunts and bars were very good. It was only when I left for the airport on my last day that I realised how lush and naturally beautiful a country Malaysia is too. Unfortunately my camera malfunctioned, so I don't have any photos of my own... Next stop, the north of England.

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