Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Goodbye China

I write this from my new flat in the Groot Begijnhof, Leuven where I will be staying for the next month until we find more perminant accommodation. Tomorrow, I start my new job as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at K.U. Leuven. It will be a big change of course, but I'm looking forward to it.

Here are some things I will miss from China: my friends, Family Mart veggie buns, speaking bad Chinese, great cheap restaurants, tofu, my students, 1000 year eggs, glorious autumns, cheap rent and my electric scooter (the hogcycle). The only thing that I won't miss about China is the blocking of Internet sites.

Our stuff is travelling to Belgium via the slow boat, here's a shot of it all packed up:

Our Posessions Ready for Shipping to Belgium

I hope that I will be able to return to China soon. Perhaps for IPSN 2012 in Beijing... I will have to start working on that paper.

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