Saturday, December 10, 2011

NESEA 2011 in Perth, Australia (1/2)

Its been a busy few weeks. Last week I had work visitors from St. Andrews, Lancaster and Darmstadt as well as my Inaugural Lecture, all of which was good, but left me exhausted.

Then at 7AM on Saturday I hopped on a plane for Perth, Australia where I chaired the NESEA'11 conference. It was a busy week, but everything ran smoothly, which is a big credit to Kevin Lee, who was the local organizer at Murdoch University. The highlight was definately our cruise on the River Swan from Fremantle to Perth. Some photos follow:
Doing the Work Thing

The Attendees Walk to the Boat

Sailboats on the River Swan

The Setting Sun

After the conference, I had just one half day free, so I hit the beach and then explored Fremantle. Here are a few photos:

Playing Sharkbait

Conversing with a Stoic Fisherman I met

Perth was lovely, but 6 days just wasn't enough, especially as I spent five of them working 12-hour days. I am already planning my return.

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