Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 New Year's Resolutions

Time flies! Its already time to make New Year's resolutions for 2013. First though, I'll check in on my 2012 resolutions and see how I did...

Looking back on my 2012 resolutions:
  • My first resolution was to learn Dutch to level A.2. I already passed level A.1 in spring and should pass level A.2 by the end of January if I study. So not doing too badly.
  • My second resolution was to improve my publication output. Things are going great in that regard, so I am very satisfied.
  • My third resolution was to go to the gym 100 times. Here I failed pretty badly! I think I have been closer to 50 times. Something I can improve on in the coming year!
  • My fourth resolution was to train our golden retriever puppy. This has gone pretty well, though she remains a bit too excitable around children.
  • My fifth and final resolution was to fix up the garden and finish my vegetable patch. This also went pretty well. My veggie patch has been producing for the kitchen since June and the garden looks a lot better
Some resolutions for 2013:
  • I will find more time for Caren and I to unwind together.
  • I will do at least one local 'fun run' and go to the gym more than last year.
  • I will improve our garden and grow my first harvest of mushrooms.
  • I will improve my Dutch to at least level B.1.

Overall, I can only home that 2013 is as good for us as 2012 was. I have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy New Year!

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